Mortgage Assistance
Finding solutions together to help you stay on track with your mortgage.
Mortgage Assistance
If you are experiencing financial hardship and having trouble making your mortgage payment, we may have
assistance options available.
To initiate the evaluation process for mortgage assistance, first complete the Mortgage Assistance Application.
You can complete the application using one of the two options below:
Option 1: Complete the application online. Once you log into your account, navigate to Account Management, then Request Mortgage Assistance.
[email protected]
RoundPoint Mortgage Servicing LLC
Attn: Loss Mitigation Department
PO Box 19409
Charlotte, NC 28219-9409
Imminent default
I’m not currently late on my payment, but I’m worried I may fall behind soon.
Imminent default
If you think you may be unable to pay your upcoming mortgage payment due to a recent hardship, contact us today. We can discuss your situation and walk you through your options.
I want to bring my account current, but I don’t know how much I owe.
If you've defaulted on your mortgage due to a hardship, a reinstatement can stop the foreclosure process. With this solution, you can make a single payment to bring your loan current. The reinstatement amount may include all past due payments and other related fees.
Repayment plan
I can pay my mortgage now and have the ability to pay extra each month to catch up on missed payments.
Repayment plan
If you've missed some of your mortgage payments due to a hardship, a repayment plan could help you catch up. Make a promise to pay down the past due balance over a period of time. In this case, we'd spread out the post due amount over several months, and add on to your current monthly payment.
I can pay my mortgage now, but I can’t catch up on old payments.
If you have fallen behind and can't catch up by making extra payments, but can afford your payment, then a deferment could help bring your account current. This option allows for some or your past-due amounts to be converted into a non-interest bearing amount that is due at the maturity date or payoff of your loan.
I want to update the terms of my mortgage because I can’t afford my payment.
With this option, we can reach an agreement to change the original terms of your mortgage. This could include changes to the interest rate, loan balance, or loan term. In most cases, a loan modification can make your monthly mortgage payment more affordable.
Short sale
I want to sell my home and use the proceeds to pay off all (or a portion of) my mortgage balance.
Short sale
If you owe more on your home than its worth (and you're facing foreclosure), you may qualify for a short sale. This process involves making an arrangement to have a real estate agent sell your home for less than the balance of your mortgage. In this case, once it sells, your obligation to pay the remainder is cancelled.
Deed-in-lieu of forclosure
I can’t afford my home anymore, but I don’t want to have a foreclosure on my credit history.
Deed-in-lieu of forclosure
You can transfer the title of your property to us to satisfy the mortgage debt and avoid foreclosure. This alternative to foreclosure may be an option if: you're unable to refinance or modify your loan, you're facing a long-term hardship, you owe more on your home than its worth, or you've been unable to sell your home.
I am seeking temporary relief with reduced or no mortgage payments.
If you are unable to make your current mortgage payment and need additional time to improve your financial situation, this option may be available to you.
Military assistance
Support for military members and disaster relief to help you stay
on track and secure in your home.
Supporting our veterans
RoundPoint proudly supports our country’s Veterans and appreciates their service. You risk your lives every day to protect our freedom. That’s why our dedicated team works to protect you and your home.