Home equity options

Image that says Making smiles, every step of the way

Access the equity in your home to fund renovations‭, ‬consolidate debt‭, ‬or cover major expenses with flexible loan options‭.‬

Contact us today at 888.936.5237

We’re here to offer a variety of loan options to suit your needs‭. ‬Explore our loan types and discover the one that’s right for you‭.‬

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Unlock the equity in your home‭ ‬by tapping into your property’s value‭. ‬

Gain added financial flexibility‭ ‬by choosing a second mortgage‭ ‬loan option‭.‬

Photo of a calculator in a home icon

Looking to buy a new home‭? ‬
Get approved for a purchase loan‭ tailored to fit your needs‭.‬

Circle of paper airplanes

Lower your monthly payments‭, ‬lock in a new rate‭, ‬consolidate debt or fund‭ ‬ renovations with a cash-out option‭.‬

Speak with one of our loan officers today by calling 888.936.5237, and we can help you find a customized loan solution to access your home equity, refinance, or buy a new home.

You can apply online, or over the phone with one of our licensed loan officers – whichever is most convenient for you.

We will need information regarding your income, assets, and, when you authorize it, a credit report. If we already service your loan we may already have much of this information, which could make the application process even simpler.

If you are looking to purchase a home, we can pre-approve you so you can begin to shop for your home. If you are looking to refinance we will provide you a loan estimate with the full breakdown of rates, fees, and terms of your loan.

Completing your application will allow RoundPoint to start the process of getting you qualified for your mortgage. Your loan officer will work with you to determine your needs and what makes best financial sense for you. Once your application is completed, and your financial documents have been submitted, your RoundPoint underwriter will review your credit history, income, and assets to determine the loan amount you qualify for.

Your RoundPoint loan officer will work with you to determine which loan product will be best for your financial needs. Whether that be paying off high interest credit card debt, student loans, or just taking out cash for a rainy day – Roundpoint has a product for you.