Payments and payoffs

Image that says Making smiles, every step of the way

Everything you need in one place keeps you in control‭: ‬make one-time or recurring payments and quickly access resources for payment-related questions‭.‬

Pay online

Easily and securely submit your payment to RoundPoint’s You Are Home™ platform online‭. ‬You can choose between making a one-time payment or setting up recurring payments‭.‬

Graphic of the Roundpoint You Are Home app.

You Are Home™ mobile app

The You Are Home™ mobile app is also a safe and secure method of setting up payment options‭. ‬It has all of the same functionality of our You Are Home™ platform‭, ‬but in the palm of your hand‭.‬

Recurring monthly payment‭ (‬ACH‭)‬

ACH is an easy and efficient way for you to make your monthly mortgage payment‭. ‬With this payment method‭, ‬your mortgage payment‭ ‬will automatically deduct from your designated checking or savings account each month on the date you choose‭.‬

To set up and manage your recurring monthly payment‭, ‬log into your You Are Home™ online account‭. ‬Enroll‭, ‬edit‭, ‬or cancel your recurring ACH at any time through this safe and secure customer-friendly platform‭. ‬

request payoff img

Request payoff

Are you ready to pay off your home loan? To start the payoff process, click below to submit your payoff request electronically. If you are paying off your mortgage and you were making payments through a bill pay service or Automated Clearinghouse (ACH) with RoundPoint Mortgage Servicing LLC, please make sure to cancel or delete any future payments at least five (5) days prior to sending payoff funds.

Securely submit your payment using your online You Are Home™ account. Choose from either a one-time payment or setup recurring payments.

ROUNDPOINT MOBILE APP (link this to mobile app download)
The RoundPoint Mobile App is also a safe and secure method of setting up payment options. It has all of the same functionality of our online You Are Home™ account, but in the palm of your hand.

ACH is an easy and efficient way for you to make your monthly mortgage payment. With this payment method, your mortgage payment will automatically deduct from your designated checking or savings account each month on the date you choose.

To set up and manage your recurring monthly payment, log into your You Are Home™ online account. Enroll, edit, or cancel your recurring ACH at any time through this safe and secure customer-friendly platform. 

You can use your financial institution’s bill payment service* to send payments electronically. Make sure to include your RoundPoint loan number as the account to pay.

*Please note: Some third-party electronic bill-pay services may withdraw the funds from your bank account prior to sending our way. We will credit your account when we receive the payment from the third-party service.

Call Customer Service at 877-426-8805

Please have your bank account information available for reference.

Make cash payments at any MoneyGram location.

Please have the loan number and the receiver code available when completing the transaction. The receiver code is 7302.

Detach the payment coupon and mail it along with a check or money order. Please write the loan number on the check or money order and mail it to the Payment Processing Center listed below.

Mailing Address:
RoundPoint Mortgage Servicing LLC
PO Box 674150
Dallas, TX 75267-4150

Overnight Payments:
RoundPoint Mortgage Servicing LLC
ATTN: Lockbox 674150
446 Wrenplace Rd
Fort Mill, SC 29715

Yes. Please click here to access your You Are Home™ account and make the change. Please note: Draft dates cannot exceed the grace period for your loan. Additionally, if the change request is submitted after the scheduled draft date, the change will take effect with your next scheduled draft.