
Fees icon


Understand fees related to late payments, non-sufficient funds, and other mortgage-related costs.

Customers have a 15-day grace period from their payment due date before late fees are assessed to the account. For example, if the payment is due January 1, a late fee will be applied to the account on January 16.

If the grace period ends on a holiday or weekend, the late fee will be applied on the following business day. Please refer to your Note, signed at closing, for details on your grace period.

Review your monthly Billing Statement to obtain the late fee amount. Please login to your online You Are Home™ Account here to access your most recent online statement.

NSF fees are assessed if a submitted payment is returned by your banking institution due to insufficient funds being available to cover the payment.

Corporate Advance fees are charges for expenses incurred by a mortgage servicer to protect the investor’s interest in a property. 

No. RoundPoint does not charge a fee to make a mortgage payment.