Manage property taxes, tax documents, and payments.
For mortgage loans, a 1098 statement captures all interest, taxes, and mortgage insurance premiums paid in each calendar year.
1098 statements will be mailed by January 31 each calendar year. In your online portal, you can elect to go paperless to receive your 1098 electronically within the same timeframe.
[email protected]
If your mortgage loan has an escrow account, RoundPoint will obtain your property tax information directly from your taxing authority and ensure all property tax bills are paid by the due date. If your mortgage loan does not have an escrow account, you are responsible for paying these bills by the due date directly to your taxing authority and you do not need to provide this information to us.
A supplemental tax bill is a one-time bill generated by the taxing authority and sent directly to the homeowner. The bill is generated because of a mid-year assessment change by the County. Supplemental tax bills may also be referred to as an Added Assessment, Interim, or corrected bill.
The homeowner is responsible for paying these bills directly to the taxing authority. Because supplemental tax bills are a one-time bill, they are not collected in the monthly escrow payment, included in the escrow account balance, or paid from the escrow account.
Please send the delinquent tax bill using one of the following options:
RoundPoint Mortgage Servicing LLC
Attn: Escrow Department
PO Box 19409
Charlotte, NC 28219-9409